Quiet your feelings and still the mind. Her beauty is the beauty of God; timeless and irrevocable. The High Priestess as feelings can mean that they feel balanced and at peace when they are around you. They are not easily triggered, facing their opposition only with knowledge and patience. Or it can be the querents doubts and anxieties that silence their inner voice, making them unable to participate, a motionless statue, an observer stuck between two worlds. When they are with you, they can just be. How she chooses to display her This sublime image, however, may create the illusion that youre above the ordinary human life. And there are three ships coming back into the harbor. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. When a persons desires and intentions align with the High Priestess card, it means they want to be more spiritual, authentic, and calm. After the Magician, who is active on all planes of existence, the High Priestess signals a pause from action to learn and reflect. The person of interest believes theres more than meets the eye with you. You cannot fake love, and neither can you ignore and isolate it when your intuition finally points out the right person. The High Priestess card symbolizes knowledge, intuition, faith, mystery, and a pure heart. The High Priestess is the card of inner balance, intuition, and duality. Ask unlimited questions. The answer can be negative but the tables can turn with a careful and considerate approach. And the veil does not conceal and protect anymore; it merely prohibits. - as someone who is on the same page as them with a good bond and connection. In other words, she has mastered the virtues of patience and meditation. The reversed High Priestess indicates isolation, coldness, jealousy, and passivity. Perchance a long-awaited meeting will take place. The High Priestess lives in a sacred space. All we have to do is learn to wait until the time is ripe, listen to our inner voice, and look beyond the obvious. Dont venture forth into the unknown. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card mean in Friendship? Your plans need time to materialize. Have faith in your abilities and choices. The querent may have been ignoring the messages of their unconscious mind, and their motives may be dubious or selfish. They will conceal and twist the truth so it fits their agenda. This card can mean that your hunches are correct if you suspect your partner is . You see the veil as reality and refuse to let go of the illusion. If the High Priestess appears reversed in the future position, you may go through a time of mild depression and loneliness. Shes beyond desire, passion, emotion, and petty thoughts. She is pulling you back, reminding you to stop getting ahead of yourself and to tune into yourself once more. The High Priestess would signify that your relationship has reached a certain level of intimacy where you both have learned to balance each other out. You'll always come back. Sometimes, they do not even need to talk that much because you can see right through them and see that they do not feel like talking. - he/she sees you as a "trouble" or a possible one. Sometimes you give more. The stability of the two pillars is frail, and quite possibly you and your partner are refusing to meet with each other on middle ground. Think about whether you are projecting your true self in your daily life or if you are casting illusions, hiding your face with a calm yet cold and unreal mask. A person who suffers may sometimes feel spiritual pride, bear the torment upon their chest, and glorify the pain. He has the ability to attain great heights, provided that he puts his mind into it. They might also try to share their weight, or even impose it on others, in an attempt to earn sympathy and get rid of something that doesnt even exist! Her knowledge and her wisdom are as old as the Earth itself. The High Priestess, in reverse, is a sign that you need to talk to someone about your inner world! They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. After the active and keen Magician, the High Priestess is waiting patiently, passive and receptive, to prepare for the joyous, life-giving burst of energy represented by the Empress. This wont be a time of drastic change, but quiet and mindful waiting. You may be misunderstanding words and intentions, scrutinizing details instead of just trusting yourselves and remembering that you are truly loved for who you are. They are both very spiritual cards. One Card Readings are for when you need a fast, straight to the point answer. The High Priestess is a spiritually intuitive woman full of mystery, wisdom, and understanding. Perhaps you ignored your gut feeling and strayed off the path, leaving you exposed and vulnerable. How someone sees you or feels about you? When the High Priestess appears reversed as the current or imminent state of affairs, it means that you have lost your patience, forgotten to trust your inner voice, and made a mistake that goes against your moral code. Thats all they really want. You may be stressed out and anxious, so why not relax, lie back, and enjoy a good book? Or you have stagnated, refusing to act and develop your hidden, dormant talents. wisdom and immobility Element: Water You may not be able to always decipher your intuition correctly. Such is the nature of the High Priestess as a companion. The Knight of Swords Tarot as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. We just want to know how our day will look like, or how we should approach the day ahead. Your person sees you as the person that they want to be with forever. The High Priestess Tarot Card in its core usually represents inner knowing and letting things unfold to respond at a later moment. Maybe its time for introspection, to reconcile the conflict within. The High Priestess. The future indicated by the High Priestess in reverse will be uneasy at best. They aspire to be creative and enjoy the little things in life, always seeking stability and a beautiful stillness, like that of an old photo. Moon (High Priestess) in Sagittarius . About laying down rules. We cannot stress this enough. Behind her, we see a curtain decorated with palm trees and pomegranates, symbols of victory, abundance, life, and fertility. What does the High Priestess mean in a Love or Relationship Reading? There is absolute trust and honesty on their side. This card can also be a sign of being too secretive with your emotions, thus repressing them. Both or one of you may not be in control of your emotions and are causing havoc out of nothing. This can lead to doubt and insecurity, quickly dissolving any attempt at a genuine connection, creating a cold and tense atmosphere. Have patience and listen to your intuition. The Sun Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You. Youre deeply in love, but you shouldnt forget to care for yourself. And if youve been keeping a secret that day by day weighs down on your soul, it will eventually find its way to the surface so why not find a way to address it while you can? The challenge here is to know whether this affair is a purely intellectual one, or if theres a way to advance on a meaningful relationship, one that needs patience and love above all. Maybe the answer is unclear because its too early to tell, or you have the answer but feel uncertain. She could be just a puppet for someone who is more dominant; - as someone who causes drama. Look within. The High Priestess indicates that you will be successful, and whatever you choose will be the right one meant for you. The best you can do is to try and help them see that suffering is a perceived impurity that begins in the mind, and therefore, an illusion. Meditation, reflection, and listening to your intuition are the only ways to find what you are searching for because deep down inside you already know the answers to your questions. Have you ever wanted the sound of the ocean splashing in the background as you work at your desk, or cook dinner in the kitchen? When reversed, this card implies mental and spiritual dissonance. Being too eager and hasty will bring you no closer to your goal. The High Priestess is a call to trust in the power of your intuition which means trusting in the power of your soul. We pride ourselves in offering clean, comfortable, family-friendly environments with an emphasis on excellent customer service. You know how to handle issues and how to communicate effectively and get your point across, so do not fall into the trap of debates unless you need to protect yourself, your reputation, or your work. She welcomes any emotion while maintaining a balanced and clear state of mind. After the youthful Magician, who chooses one single direction from which to act in the world, the High Priestess takes us to the crossroads of duality, from where we can reach a higher level of consciousness and transcend both mind and matter. In the Tarot deck, the High Priestess is the second Major Arcana card. You will evolve, acquire valuable knowledge, and embrace your true self. All you need to know about yourself or other people, you can draw for your intuition. Firstly, The High Priestess is a card of intuition. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Us | About Us. The passivity and confusion of the High Priestess reversed prevent her from disclosing her true intentions, or even making a decision. It also indicates that the significant element in your life should be nurturing your inner feelings, your inner world, and not allowing yourself to be affected by others emotions. Even five minutes a day, or one short hour when you particularly need it, will clear your mind of clutter and illusion. To them, your presence radiates respect and adoration. Or it could be inactivity and wondering about what-could-have-been that gets to you. Indeed there is no need for change or action; everything has already been done and established. If you are wondering what to make of your emotions, or what somebody else is feeling and the High Priestess shows up, its a matter of emotional stability and security. She whispers of a quiet, even invisible torment. Vekke Sind. Their low profile enables them to avoid shady and uncomfortable situations. Whether it is by meditation, writing a journal, or talking about it with a considerate friend, let it go, for the truth will eventually reveal itself, no matter what we do to deny it. The two sides of all creation may clash in conflict and confusion but they are complementary to each other, and together they form a greater picture. Guardian of mysteries and teacher of the sacred, the High Priestess resides between the conscious and unconscious, between the material and the divine. The High Priestess appears as an obstacle in the form of a cold and distant maternal figure who smothers her child by being overprotective. They may want to propose to you, but they may also hold back a little because they dont know you very well, or your abilities scare them. Of course, shes always associated with books and the writing process. You might be impatient to know what happens next or to see the fruition of your plans, but the time isnt ripe just yet. The scroll shes carrying contains sacred knowledge hidden in plain sight, accessible to those who know where to look. This spread indicates that you are receiving lots of offers, that may be job opportunities or business partners coming to you with deals. Nevertheless, in the crossing position the High Priestess card becomes an irrational fear of the outside world. When the High Priestess card appears in relation to a conflict, it advises you to hold on to your personal power. This reading is usually done in the morning, so you form an idea of what that day will bring you. A sign to sit quietly for a while, the High Priestess card is the opposite of action. In their attempt to justify their destructive patterns, they will find problems everywhere and often say hurtful things to establish their sense of superiority and false righteousness. The path you have chosen may drive you away from some people, but thats not something you have not taken into consideration. The High Priestess Tarot Card's True Meaning: Love, Health and Money The High Priestess (II) tarot card personifies secret knowledge and immobility. The High Priestess poses the challenge of trusting in your intuition and having faith. Simply let what has already formed blossom without trying to control things. They are coming to you, so you have the advantage of choosing the best opportunity for you. This combination brings the two counterparts together. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana? She stands for perfection, fairness, truth, the law, and decisions made with a sharp and balanced mind. The High Priestess is one of those cards that can be quite difficult to interpret, which I think is exactly one of the meanings that applies best to this scenario. Have you been hiding your true self, out of anxiety or stubbornness? i don't like being idealized, but that's what i get from the high priestess. The answers will appear when you will have accepted yourself completely. my interpretation is that maybe he idealizes me. As an obstacle card, the High Priestess has to nurture and listen to her inner voice. All you got to do is have patience and faith! This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. If single, you may have idealized your concept of a perfect partner, and this, along with anxiety and passivity, is keeping you from finding love and warmth. They want to help, support, and inspire you, although not directly! If someone sees you as the Sun then hurray! You may achieve even more than what you set your intentions for in the first place. Be that as it may, the reserved character of the High Priestess makes her a friend to admire. In love, she represents a soul connection that transcends karmic cycles. Please enable javascript before you are allowed to see this page. On a more everyday level she can personify how someone sees you, your personality type and your feelings in general. The reversed High Priestess creates a dubious impression at best. The Swords Suit has a reputation for being a negative suit. The Knight of Swords upright is seen as a powerful, impressive youth, full of energy and courage. In reverse, the High Priestess suggests that you will go through a time of confusion and passivity in the near future and not much will seem to be going on. This spread would indicate that you are someone who knows how to deal with every situation that comes their way. Your objective approach to problems and the ability to see all sides to a story saves you from failures and helps you get yourself out of the mess. Get the answers you need about your unique situation. You project your best qualities and catch the spotlight, but unknowingly avoid and hide your weaknesses. In reverse, the High Priestess is considered to be cold, stubborn, self-serving, and judgmental. Perhaps you didnt trust your intuition and wound up in a job that doesnt fit you. One who knows how to listen and thus allows the true self to emerge, a considerate friend who will not inappropriately chatter about themselves to steal the others thunder. In a psychic reading, there are at least six cards drawn, and each tarot cards meaning is interpreted along with the other cards, always bearing in mind the first question upon which the reading is conducted and aims to give answers. However, we can presume the following. They see that you take care of them, you are mindful of their feelings and their boundaries. Perhaps no-nonsense. It means that you may get the opportunity you wanted but in an unexpected way. The High Priestess is deep, so it would make sense that he would have deep feelings for you. The High Priestess, in reverse, retains some characteristics of the card in its upright position. - as a hothead, a person with an explosive temper, someone who blows their top; - it could be that person 1 sees person 2 as a fated friend or mate; - he/she has achieved all he/she could from you. For now, enjoy the calm and quiet of your home, a moment of appreciation and inner balance. A reserved and conservative introvert, the Priestess archetype in reverse can block ones path towards being spontaneous and joyful. That is, if they do not hide away in shame. Furthermore, they may believe you can teach them the secrets of life, help them understand a different way to perceive the world, or at least offer support and warmth in times of trouble. She will most likely represent the woman of interest or the seeker if she is a woman. Reversed, this card describes a situation of anxiety and impatience. She will be strongly devoted to at least one aspect of her life, be that a family, a career, art, helping others, etc. You are able to see the connections between the two worlds and how they interact with one another. Unify Cosmos is dedicated to seed the positive aspects in everyone life and we do this through promotion of spiritual initiatives. You may feel like you know nothing about whats going on around you, people may be keeping secrets, and you cant handle the situation because you think you need to know everything. Theres no shame in admitting a mistake, as long as you find the goodwill to make things right and recover. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. If its about what someone else wants from you, be sure they mean well. The High Priestess is the feminine version of a High Priest. The High Priestess denotes preparation for self-growth and the purest intentions. Table of Contents 1 The High Priestess Meaning 1.1 Upright Position 1.2 Reverse Position 1.3 Horizontal Position 2 The High Priestess - One card pull [Yes or No] If single, its a sign to develop trust and open your heart. The root of these behaviors could be jealousy or simply a lack of prudence and consideration on the other persons behalf. It indicates that you have found peace and security in your relationship. This card indicates the possibility that you will discover a vital piece of information that will offer you an advantage. This spread indicates that it is time for you to take action on whatever you have thought out and planned. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. You might expect something specific, only to witness a behavior that is the exact opposite and conflicts with what was promised. The person in question wants to feel safe and form a soul connection. The answer would be they see you as someone considerate, thoughtful, wise, independent, serious but tolerant, objective, and reflective. Relationships, especially ones that require long-term commitment, need patience and determination. Therefore, the card will often refer to reading, writing, and studying. It refers to waiting for something that will never come and mistaking ignorance for wisdom. You are in a position to make your own decision without being pushed to accept an offer. What does the High Priestess Tarot Card Reversed mean in Conflict? Only by accepting what we do not know can we truly learn in time. Someone who does not delegate, has to do the work themselves, tend to be streesed, a hard worker. What is Kim Kardashians Zodiac Sign? You dont know enough about what youre getting into, or you are indecisive and cannot see clearly. That is why the High Priestess sits between the two pillars; she will let neither sorrow nor joy overwhelm her. When reversed, the High Priestess implies that youre out of your depth. You possibly have not considered all the factors in play and wont know for sure until you discover the truth for yourself. In a less poetic manner, that difficult decision is weighing you down. Now more than ever, it is time to have faith and let go of the illusion. The High Priestess with the Sun is a guarantee that you'll pass the exams with flying colors, the Empress might even predict an easy birth and a healthy . It is a passive-aggressive halt from activity, a denial to accept the changes and flow of life. The only thing is he will think that much he wont actually take no action, and as hes the Kos it doesn't mean hes emotionless he just doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. You can show them that there is no greater teacher than their inner voice and that this image of beauty and mystery they see in you is, in fact, a reflection of the virtues they have not yet accepted in themselves. They think you are worthy of praise, why, even exaltation! This card could also indicate that where others seek to win over others with physical fists or immoral power plays, you should instead seek wisdom and clarity. This is a pause for reflection. You have waited long enough, and it is time for absolution. They can envision themselves growing old with you and maybe starting a family. In reverse, the High Priestess might refer to the ruins of a deserted temple, a secret or forgotten place of worship. Is the career youre pursuing what you really want? Concerning possible career choices, the High Priestess usually signifies a well-educated person or a healer. It is their intuition that allows them to see with clarity beyond the surface, and when somethings wrong, they are the first to know. As always, your intuition is your best bet. She is the total purity of spirit; intact, sacred, and eternal. You may meet someone special or learn something new. They know not to lie to you or try to manipulate you. Bad blood can only lead to more enmity. We will have a look at how The High Priestess would be interpreted and affect the outcome of the reading in the light of suits. A High Priestess is someone who embodies the duality; standing in the middle of light/dark, good/evil. An honest champion of truth, he never fails to spark the interest of those around him. The High Priestess appears in the guise of a nun, a virtuous woman who has devoted herself to God (or to the Goddess). In any case, this will be a time when nothing much happens and tension builds up. The one exception, by the way, is that they could see the person as someone they knew or recognize from a past life; - Justice to mean that they see you as rational minded, fair, and detached, someone seeking for constant balance and generally achieving it. They are already thinking about how to take your relationship to the next level. She can identify with a theoretical scientist, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, a scholar of history or literature, and any other similar profession. Here, the horned diadem that shines with the glory of the sun turns into a crown of self-proclaimed authority. A reversed High Priestess can also mean that you have been silencing your inner voice. The High Priestess often plays the role of the feminine spiritual guide, so dont be surprised when your phone rings and your friend asks for advice, hanging on your every word! The figure raises his other hand with two fingers pointed upwards. She does not need affirmations because shes in control of her life and can make essential decisions. In terms of what not to do, it would advise you to control your emotions before you talk with your partner if you feel a rising of anger, jealousy, controlling behavior. Some psychic readers like to read reversed tarot cards. Thats when the roles change, and you have to remain calm and learn to listen. Id love to hear about your experience. Facebook Pinterest, Relaxing Sounds Tarot Cards Angel Numbers Archangels. So, in case you are wondering how a person sees you and you get this card reversed, you may seem superficial, rigid, and out of their reach. There arent enough clues to be quite sure as to what kind of place the reversed High Priestess might represent. The High Priestess . They also see you as a wise person who knows how to balance things out. The conscious mind can interfere with intuition when the thoughts and urges find no release. Theyre feelings, not concepts or ideas. I have them in my office and they create a zen feel for me while Im working. Some people, perhaps an unfortunate majority, like the glamour and newsworthiness of intensity and emotional instability, and it is true that someone in an emotionally stable relationship has no dramas to workshop with her friends over a coffee, so perhaps she's boring - to others. 2 is the number that symbolizes duality, intuition, harmony, and union. This may mean he's developed an interest in someone else this time. As always, with this card in your reading patience is advised. If you are not in tune with your intuition, you see it in their behavior, Their behavior shows their souls deepest desires, and a repeated behavior shows a pattern of choice. The High Priestess is a sign of deep and pure love. The High Priestess is a fantastic card to receive when asking how another person sees you. Seven of Wands I'd said the person see you as someone who has a strong personality. You will never truly know a person who is like the shadow of the High Priestess because they will never let you get too close. She suggests that there is no right or wrong or wrong way to go about this matter. The High Priestess Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The High Priestess Reversed in a Career Reading. Active. How can you trust your feelings when your mind is blocking the way? Someone who was born under the sign of Cancer is a sensitive, eccentric figure who seeks joy and security, as well as to protect their loved ones. Here, on the threshold of the temple, there is no choice but to stand still and listen to the voice within our hearts. Your heart will know the answer. And theres no questioning your motives in their mind; they are as pure, clear, and mesmerizing as moonlight. How Someone Sees You: The card signifies a strong-willed, diligent, brave, and controlling person. Have a little faith, both in yourself and other people, but never forget that only you can know how to live your life. It is wise to know when to stay away from a battle when the chance of success is thin. The High Priestess accepts the other without ever changing because shes already complete. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The High Priestess Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The High Priestess Tarot Card as Feelings, The High Priestess Tarot Card as a Situation, The High Priestess Reversed as a Situation, The High Priestess Tarot Card as Intention / What Someone Wants, The High Priestess Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants. - Ace of wands is about enthusiasm for that person, you would inspire that person, they would have confidence in you and you would have confidence in them. The reversal of the card might very well indicate the ancient ruins of a shrine or temple, worn out by the passage of time. 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